Thursday, March 11, 2010


Somewhere between our brains and reality is the act of composting!

We conquered two things!!

First: Pick a veggie or fruit that you want to make yours!

We looked through the native produce of AZ and each of us picked something that we wanted to plant and grow - mine . . . garlic and zucchini blossoms!

Second: We had a lesson on composting!

Holy mother, this is not going to be easy! Trying to learn all the angles of being a gardener . . . incorporate it into our already set ways . . . and make these new steps parts of our regular daily schedule!??!! It's taking effort, but the VISION is there. We definitely see the bigger picture so we're doing what it takes, one little step at a time! We're going to get a bunch of little diamonds from this rough. :)

Last year, I met Taylor Storey, a garden and landscape coach. He has a great blog called The Desert Garden. He taught me that composting provides you with fertilizer and organic material that improves the structure of your soil.

Composting is made up of 4 ingredients:

1) CARBON: TP cardboard rolls, wood chips, dried leaves, straw, shredded paper, twigs, sticks, hay, coffee filters.

2) NITROGEN: kitchen fruit and vegetable waste, egg shells, coffee grounds. (NO meat, dairy, or fish products...and no eggs themselves) Lawn clippings (from the mowed grass etc.)

3) AIR: You need to turn your compost weekly.

4) WATER: You need to water your compost, and it should feel like a squeezed damp sponge.

In our modern day lives, this is still an option that we can make work. By contacting the City of Phoenix at the Durango Dump (their contact information can be found via the waste management website) we can purchase a reusable trash tub that they put many holes in the bottom of and can be used for composting...I think for as little as $5. The smaller containers for daily use with lids for your kitchen can be found at Target online or at Smith and Hawken stores for a little more pricey. William Sonoma is carrying them as well!

Our friend Anna's boyfriend may be helping us make little containers for compost so we can contain and turn it properly . . . this will be useful for the girls that have smaller areas and are just trying to learn how to compost but may not be getting the bigger tubs or bins!

I will be staking out a small area by the pool at my condo to make my garden, and another area near my concrete wall for my composting - this is going to be interesting!
**On a side note . . .Our frind Jami found this site for people who are limited on "space" and want a "container garden".
And our friend Maggie reminded to mention the organization Bountiful Baskets . . .this is a co-op set-up through local farmers . . . they put together bountiful baskets of veggies and fruits that are seasonal, and for anywhere from $15-$25 you can simply and quickly swing by a location that is close to you and grab a pre-made basket . . this makes it convenient if you are not able to take the time or get the time to go to the farmers market - they make it easy and affordable for you to support the local growers, eat healthy, and be quick!

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